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July 2015 Draft Minutes
July 9, 2015
The meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm.
Parks & Rec Commissioners:  Joan Gorga, Peter Lamb, Isaac Lombard and Gordon Webber
Recreation Director:  Celeste Lunetta
Additional:  Rec Assistant Monica, Skate Park representative Colin Isotti, Cougar Volunteers for Youth Sports Association (CVYSA) representative Bob Crowley
The minutes from the June 11 and June 27, 2015 meetings were approved as amended.
Shea Field
CVYSA  Bob Crowley presented a CVYSA proposal to unify youth sports programs in all ConVal towns, with the joint goals of improving the success of ConVal High School varsity sports and providing increased recreational sports opportunities for those not involved in competitive sports.  The focus would be on those sports currently offered as varsity sports at ConVal.  Discussion centered on perceived ConVal discrimination against the northern towns in the district.  Bob will return for further discussions, probably in the fall.
ConVal Agreement.  Once again, there has been no response from David Martz concerning an agreement over the shared use of Shea Field.
Lighting Installation.  The MUSCO agreement was signed by Selectboard member Gordon Webber.  Steve Jones dug the trenches, and with help from Peter and Isaac, the boxes have been dug and pipes laid to the left field light tower, and the other two should be finished within the next few days.  The preliminary work may cost another $1000.  We’re hoping for the light installation to take place the week of August 10th.
Memorial Park
Bandstand Painting.  The Antrim Bennington Lions Club prepped and painted the bandstand on June 20th.  Richard Reilly completed most of the washing and sanding in preparation ahead of time, Frank Gorga repaired the railings, and Rick Edmunds donated the finish paint and supplies.  The Lions Club has now offered to do some painting or repairs in the area of Shea Field, perhaps at the playground, depending on what either ConVal or the Rec Department would like help with.
Skate Park Improvements.  Colin Isotti, representing a group of Skate Park users, presented ideas for improvements at the Skate Park.  In their opinion, the used half-pipe that a town resident proposed donating is not in bad condition.  It is too large to be installed as is, but quarter-pipe sections could be taken apart and used separately, perhaps on the far side near the fence, where they would only minimally interfere with the basketball court.  They would also like to do some maintenance work on the existing features, with the immediate goal being to put primer on any exposed wood decking and sides.  We will check to see if there is any Skatelite left in storage for surface repairs.  Colin suggested that Drumlite may be a less expensive alternative.  Colin will find out the cost of needed materials and put together a budget.  He will also check into fundraisers, including setting up a booth to sell snacks or meals at upcoming Antrim in the Evening concerts.  He also suggested installing two new signs saying “Ride at your own risk” and “No sitting on features.”
Sign.  Celeste and Isaac are still working on getting new signs made.
Tree Removal.  Celeste obtained two quotes for removing either five dead trees or all the pines in Cram Grove.  Robblee’s bid of $1200 for removing the five marked trees was far below the other bid, and Celeste will proceed with them.  Bartlett’s also suggested treating an ash tree, which we would like to save, located between the Skate Park and the brook, for a cost of $150, and Celeste will proceed with this.
Culverts.  Peter showed the deteriorating culverts to Steve Young, who will put together a quote for replacement.
Fences.  Offensive graffiti has been painted on the Skate Park fence.  Celeste will contact other fence contractors, since those contacted earlier do not seem too anxious to do the job.
Other Maintenance.  Poison ivy and bittersweet are again coming up through and around the bridge.
Recreation Department
Personnel.  The beach is staffed, and Celeste has hired Monica and Nick to share the job of Rec Department Assistant.  Both will start training next week.
Update.  Swimming lesson sessions have filled up.  Perhaps the move to a later time has made it more convenient for parents.
Gregg Lake
Signs.  Celeste is still working on beach and boat ramp signs.
Beach/Boat Launch Issues.  Celeste has lined the beach parking lot where it is permissible to park.  One area that tends to be muddy and is used by people crossing to the beach will be closed to parking.  This will also leave space close to the beach for emergency parking.  The idea of installing a kayak rack, possibly on the far side of the boat launch, was discussed.
Town Gym
Update.  Pickleball continues in the gym on Monday and Thursday afternoons.  Celeste will try to get the outdoor tennis court lined for pickleball next week.
The next regularly scheduled Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting will be held on Thursday, August 13th at 7:00 pm at the Rec Office.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:06 pm.
-Joan Gorga, Chair and Secretary